Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Under the Wire for May

I managed to finish one more quilt in May...

The pattern is an easy one, Color Weave, found free on the Moda Bake Shop blog. The blog is a great place to find free patterns using pre-cuts. I used a layer cake that I bought a few months ago at a 50%-off sale at one of my favorite quilt shops (alas, it's now closed).

The back is wild and crazy...

I just took nine fat quarters from my stash (and a couple of leftover solid pieces) and made a scrappy backing. Two of the striped fat quarters almost look like they're dirty or stained, but that's just how they are dyed, with light and dark patches. I can't say I like that look too much, but hey, it's helping make my stash of FQs smaller and smaller, thank goodness.

And I found the perfect striped fabric for the binding also in my stash...

Now I have to figure out what to do with this quilt...

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