Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Another Finish!

approx 62 x 70

I've had these red, white, and blue fabrics for several years, and now I've finally gotten around to using them in a quilt. It's one of the easiest ones I've ever made. Mostly squares, with a few half-square triangles.

It's hard getting the colors to look right on the screen, but the closeup photo below is fairly close to how the reds and blues look in real life.

All of the fabrics, including the backing and binding, came from my stash, all at least five years old.


  1. This is gorgeous! I love the colours and composition! I just popped over from stitchingpixie.blogspot to say hello!

  2. That looks great. I really like the different - but subtle - fabrics in the star.

  3. Beautiful! This would be a great QoV.

  4. I can see this working well in all sorts of color combinations, though the red, white, and blue is perfect.
