Thursday, October 29, 2015

I Almost Missed It

Over the weekend, I had loaded my latest quilt top on the frame to be quilted, when I noticed that one block was not sewn in right. I debated for several hours about whether to fix it or not, and even asked my Facebook quilting friends their opinion. 

Since this quilt is made from free fabric that I won in a giveaway, and since I don't have any particular recipient in mind for it right now, I could have easily left it the way it was. But I knew that even though most people wouldn't notice the mistake, it would bother me if I left it in, especially since it was in a place that was easy to fix. Not a whole lot of unstitching to do. In the time that I spent debating, I could have easily taken care of the issue. I finally decided to fix it and get on with the quilting.

I'll show the completed quilt in my next blog post.


  1. I would have done the same thing!!! Love the colors on this one.

  2. I agree. I would have had to fix it too!
