Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Trying To Get Organized

My quilt guild has decided to make a scrappy quilt as our next raffle quilt. We had a raffle quilt preparation bee earlier this week, so the call went out for members to donate their assorted scraps -- all colors/patterns/value. It's amazing how many different fabrics were in the piles to be pressed and cut into usable sizes for the pattern that was chosen. We have quilters who love batiks, quilters who love country colors, quilters who love novelty fabrics, quilters who love modern fabrics, quilters who love bright get the picture. It's going to be an awesome quilt once it's finished later this year.

In the meantime, this has inspired me to take some control over my overflowing bins of scraps and to organize them in some way. I've started with cutting a 2 1/2-inch strip and 5-inch square from everything.

Here's a shot of one of my scrap bins -- the "fun" fabrics, as I call them...Some of them will wind up in my guild's raffle quilt and some are being cut into usable sizes for me to use in future quilts.

Here are a couple of photos of the start of my project...more have been cut since I took these photos a few days ago.

I have so many projects in mind for these pieces, but first, I want to do more organizing. Too many ideas and not enough time!


  1. Sorting scraps is a productive thing to do. And what's better than a scrap quilt? But the scraps sure do pile up!

  2. Our guild is also doing a scrappy raffle quilt. It isn't turning out as pretty as I had hoped, but it will be OK. Usually I love a good scrappy quilt and yours has some fabulous fabrics all ready to use.
