Monday, October 12, 2015

Deja Vu

This is the quilt that I sent to the newest member of my family, using the same pattern as the quilt in my previous post (Bonnie Hunter's Scrap Crystals block, but enlarged to make a quilt about 42 inches square). Click on the photos to enlarge.

I had first planned to send the other quilt to the new baby, but after I had finished it, I found scraps of my hand-dyed fabric that I had used in quilts that I had made for the baby's two older sisters almost two years ago. You can see those quilts by clicking here. I immediately decided that the baby needed a quilt to match her sisters' quilts.

Here's a closeup of the quilting...

And a look at the backing and binding...(the backing is the same on all three quilts).

I'm told that the quilt was well-received. Oh, and the two older sisters got presents, too -- the two fleece blankets that I blogged about here.

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