My son's Scholarship Challenge team won the final round today (he's the second from right)! Their record is better than almost all of their school's sports teams....and now that I think about it, since they never lost a single round, it's the best record of all their school's teams this year.
Scholarship Challenge is a 24-school academic competition that's been around in the northern PA and southern NY area for about 30 years. It's similar to the "It's Academic"- and "Quiz Bowl"-type competitions. Wellsboro has never won; all three of the other schools in today's finals had won at least once. Today's first round score -- 220-50 and second round -- 200-10.
Congratulations to Wes, Ryan, Ean, Nick, and Andy!
The team will be representing a four-county area at the Pennsylvania State Academic Competition in Harrisburg in early May. We're confident they'll go all the way, perhaps even to a national championship (a mother can hope, can't she?).
P.S. For my non-quilting readers --- NQR = non-quilting-related
6 hours ago
Fantastic! Congratulations to Nick and the rest of the team!
Three cheers for Nick and his teammates. What an accomplishment! And good luck on the next round.
Congrats to Nick and the team. Great work. Your school should be very poud of you.
Dori (MLQG)
sounds like they did great! congratulations, scholarships sure mean a lot these days.
Congratulations to Nick and the team! I know that you are very proud, and have every reason to be. Keep us informed how the next round the meantime I will be cheering for them!
I'm glad to see that the Southern Tier of NY does something like this. When I was in high school, we has "Scholastic Bowl" and placed teams to WXXI (Rochester) "Brainstormers"
wow. this is terrific news. Congrats to all of them.
Congratulations!!! How awesome!
Congratulations!!! I am familiar with the competition as I live in the the area and they compete against some big schools so it is quite the honor to win! Good Luck on the state level!
Sounds like a pretty cool accomplishment to me, Anya. Congrats to the team members!
Oh my, and isn't Nick's mother proud? Her heart is swelled!
1. How did you like the Lancaster show (in comparison to before)?
2. NQR - National Quilt R_____ - you had me quessing.
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