Saturday, May 8, 2010

Giving Thanks

Many of you may know that Kelly of I Have a Notion had a month of giveaways recently (and perhaps some of you entered and won). I entered a few of them myself and was thrilled when Kelly contacted me and told me that I had won one of the prizes -- a DVD on quilting feathers from Patsy Thompson! Whoohoo --- now I can be Patsy Thompson when I grow up! (well, maybe not quite).

Anyway, in order to thank the two of those lovely ladies, I made up a couple of selvage postcards and sent them on their way.

I told Kelly that she is a "Timeless Treasure", so I sent her some flowers (in selvages, that is).

Thank you again, ladies!


Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Very sweet thank yous Anya!

Jocelyn said...

Love the postcards. And I'm sure Kelly and Patsy did too. I just bought the Feathers DVD, so I too want to be like Patsy when I grow up :-)

IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said...

I know Patsy loved her post card because she told me someone sent her a lovely hand made post card and she thought it was wonderful!!! I love mine and it is up on my bullitin board behind my computer so I can see it. Gene Black doodled on a note the cutest little doodle and I have that too.
I keep all my thank you notes....reminds me why I'm doing what I'm doing.


Anonymous said...

Anya, love the selvage edge creation you made! They're fun to use, aren't they!

Happy Mother's Day,