I was in my grocery store yesterday when I noticed that Domino Sugar is no longer available in 5-pound bags, but is now sold in a 4-pound bag (which looks exactly like the old 5-pound bag). Here's what the company said on its Facebook page --
We recently switched to a 4 lb. package because many private labels (store brands) have gone to the 4 lb. package. When consumers compared the price of our 5 lb. bag to the price of a store brand 4 lb. package, they were not happy with the price difference. The only way for us to bring the prices closer together and make it easier for consumers to choose the brand they know and love was for us to offer a 4 lb. option.
What a bunch of hooey -- (and that's being polite) -- This is done to deceive the consumer and make more of a profit for the company. Period.
And for now, since my local grocery store brands still come in 5-pound bags, so you can be sure I won't be buying Domino anymore....
It's more of a continuing trend...and not for the better....
As I say, it always pays to read the labels just like you did. The better deal always lies with the store brand. I don't blame you one bit!!
I agree..hooey! Consumers don't even have to do the math to find the better deals. Most labels on the store shelves have a per unit price listed, so all one has to do is look at the price to see how much sugar (or whatever) costs per pound...it's not that hard!
Many companies have started filling their packaging with less product and a lot of people have not noticed. I do 'cause I read labels and the first time I read this kind of stuff was happening, I started paying attention. While I do purchase some things simply because I prefer the taste or whatever, I always pick up store brands for staples. With the price of food continuing to rise, we have to watch those pennies 'cause they add up!
Who do they think they are fooling with those words?
I couldn't agree with you more. You go girl!
We're ahead of you in Canada. We are on the metric scale and our 5 lb sugar bag now weighs 2 kg or 4.4 lbs. I keep watching the sizes of packages shrink at an alarming rate and the price goes up at the same time.
For staples, I've started buying the store brands too. I just recently had this same issue with sugar and ended up getting the 10lb store brand bag. It was the best deal! Is nothing simple and easy anymore?
Have you noticed that a half gallon of ice cream is now a quart and a half? I'd rather pay more and get the same amount. Especially for things used by older recipes that say things like "1 16 oz can". Well, now that 16 oz can might only be 11 oz.
Ha, well, I have to give them credit for a creative explanation of why they're doing it. Store brands are cheaper anyway, though, so you're doing the right thing! :)
Very annoying, have you noticed ice cream comes in smaller containers too. Do they really think we are that stupid?
I have noticed this for ages -especially with coffee and sugar. Ice cream? donr get me started. Joe came home with the usual brand....in a MUCH smaller container. BOGUS! Keep spreading the word!
Right on, Anya!
I noticed that and took full advantage, target clearanced them for $1.58 each. I grabbed as many as I could. I'll not need sugar for a while. Still a silly reason, why not place a claim that they have xxx percent more than the competitive brand. What is sad the price for the 4 lb bag will be no less then what they charge for a 5pm bag
I had a similar experience with cake mixes. I bought 2 exact same (or so I thought)cake mixes. When I got to the register I noticed that one box was noticeably smaller; product downsizing. It's just a way to not have the price go up, and we don't notice we are getting less product. Have you bought a can of tuna lately?
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