This is "J-12 Rebecca's Basket", a beginner-level paper-pieced and appliqued block. I chose to make a bias strip for the handle, turned it under using some Mary Ellen's Best Press and a hot iron, and then appliqued it by machine with monofilament thread. The colors are very washed out in this photo.
In Jane Stickle's original quilt, this basket block is rotated 90 degrees to the left, but I decided to photograph it in this direction. Some people insist on placing this block upright in their version of the quilt, but I think I will place it in the same orientation as in the original. I don't think it will bother me if the basket is on its side.
I'm told by some people who have seen the original quilt at the Bennington Museum in Vermont that Jane Stickle's quilt is displayed so that the basket is upright. The reason given is that allegedly "visitors get upset seeing the basket on its side". Quilters who have worked on their own version of the quilt following Jane's layout often get confused when they see the quilt on display in this manner.
So, what was Jane's intention? Did she make a mistake or did she place the basket on its side knowing that when the quilt is placed on a bed and hangs over the sides, the basket is viewed as being upright? We'll never know...
4 hours ago
I never thought about the fact that when placed on a bed the basket block would appear upright - learn something new every day.
Interesting thought. It makes sense.
It always amazes me that some fabrics photograph so accurately and some you can't capture the color no matter what you do.
This is a great block. I'm still dragging my feel on the paper piecing.
It is another pretty one, even though you are not sure the colors are what they should be in the picture. Maybe the basket on its side would be the *humility* block? I would guess the thought of being the right way as it is on the side of the bed would be the better answer! It will be your quilt I think you should place that block as you like it!
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