If I had to use only one word to describe this year's Quilters' Heritage Celebration show in Lancaster, PA it would be C O L O R.
Here are some of the quilts that were on display ...
Lancaster 2009
If you have trouble viewing the slideshow, try this direct link to my Webshots albums. http://community.webshots.com/user/Anya99. Click on the Lancaster 09 album.
2 hours ago
Hi Anya, I clicked the play button, but nothing showed up. Am I just a dork or what? How do I get it to play?
Omigosh, THANK YOU! I was feeling a bit dreary on this grey Monday morning, and along you came with more sunshine than I could handle! Thanks again!
btw, the slideshow worked OK for me but I ended up going into your album so I could zoom in on some - OK, most - of the quilts.
Wow...this was an ART show, not a QUILT show. Amazing. Thank you for putting this together for those of us that cannot attend!!!
Thank you so much for sharing the photos.
Husband was laughing at me because I kept saying, "Wow. This is my favorite. Oh, this is my favorite..."
Beautiful. It must have been like walking around in a rainbow.
Thanks again for sharing.
WOW you are right LOTS OF COLORS...very pretty quilts. Thank you for sharing your pictures! I am thinking am I inspired OR overwhelmed (?)...I guess both!
So much color! I'm so glad you shared these photos. :-)
looks like I missed a great show!!
Thank you for the slide show!
I missed the quilt show this year -and was so disappointed because I needed a good "quilt fix" My husband made go on vacation to Savannah - the nerve of him!
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