Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Giveaway Day!

It's here -- today is Sew, Mama, Sew's giveaway day and I'm participating. This is what I'm giving away --

1/2 yard of Laurel Burch fabric, suitable for beautiful quilt labels -- and a skein of Trellis yarn which could be used for knitting, crocheting, or embellishing.

I'm also planning to make one or two small things out of my selvages, so those will be thrown in as well. No pictures of those, of course, because they're not finished yet. You'll just have to trust me.

Here are my rules -- please be sure to read them carefully.

1. You must comment on this post by 6 PM Eastern U.S. time on Sunday, May 31st. Tell me where you live (no, I don't need your street address -- town and state or country is fine) -- I think it's fun to know where my readers are from. One comment per person, please. There will be one random winner picked either on the evening of the 31st or the morning of June 1st.

2. I will ship internationally.

3. You must leave me a way to get in touch with you if you win. If your profile is set as anonymous or "no reply", I can't contact you if you win. This is important. Too many people lose out on winning giveaways because of this.

That's it -- pretty simple. So go ahead and start commenting and be sure to visit all of the other bloggers with their giveaways. Have fun and thanks for participating!


Lauralee @ The Eclectic Stitcher said...

These giveaways are so much fun! I'm Lauralee and I live in Winder, GA (near Athens). I love your blog header ~ so bright and colorful!


Lindsey said...

I'm joining the fun!
Lindsey from Atlanta, GA

Unknown said...

Hi Anya, I just love Laurel Burch fabrics so this is just perfect!! I live in wonderful Canton, CT.

Vicki said...

What a lovely giveaway. Count me in. I live in Toronto Canada.

Susan said...

Great minds must think alike! It's me, Susan from beautiful Wellsboro, PA!

grendelskin said...

Hi Anya - I'm Sally and I live in Chester, CT (just about all directly across the state from Jackie). I can't believe you'd have time for more production and a giveaway, you've been cranking out those Jane blocks at an incredible rate!

Kiwifruit-Shiree said...

Hi Anya,
I live in New Zealand, in the south to be exact, very chilly currently, we have been having some frosty mornings indeed.I'll be back lurking....

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Anya, I am from Buffalo Minnesota and I think that fabric and yarn is just an awesome giveaway!

Vivian said...

I live in northern Iowa. I've been enjoying the progress of your DJ blocks. I'm a Janiac too.
The bright colors of the L. Burch fabric and yarn make me smile. Good luck to all of us, and thanks for the giveaway.

Cheryl said...

What a great giveaway! I love Laurel Burch! I am in Scottsdale, Arizona, it's so nice to meet you!

free indeed said...

WAving from Madawaska, Maine! I've just started saving my selvages; I think they look so cool in the projects I've seen...what are you working on?????

lesthook said...

Hi! I live in Raeford,NC.

Michele said...

Hi. I live in Kirksville, Missouri. Love your blog.

Laurel said...

I'm just outside Peoria, IL. I live in a subdivision, but I can see 2-inch-tall corn in the field behind the neighbor's house.

Sharon said...

Thank you for entering me in your giveaway! I am from Dolores, CO :)

have a great day!

Holly said...

Hi, I live in Philadelphia, PA. Thanks for the chance to enter! =)

firewelding said...

I don't blog..yet..but love to read them. Yours is great! I love LB..I have earrings, socks, fabric, etc.

I am in Jewell IA

Robin Quilts, etc. said...

Hi Anya, I love following your Dear Jane journey. Robin in Seal Beach, CA.

trash said...

Hi Anya, the air outside the rat race must really agree with you. You look extremely young in your picture ;-)

Greetings from the UK

Emily Gusba said...

Wow, the giveaway looks like fun. I'm now from Ottawa, Canada, but grew up in Windsor, across from Detroit, Michigan!

windycindy said...

Such a delightful and fun giveaway prize drawing! I live in Edwardsville, Illinois and it has been pouring rain off and on for several days now. Many thanks, Cindi

isabel f. said...

Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway!
count me in, please!!
great parcel :))~love everything :)

I´m writing you from Coimbra / Portugal
go see my giveaway
hugs Isabel

Anonymous said...

I'm from Salem, MA. The best part of giveaway day has been discovering so many great blogs :)

Holee said...

I live in North Western Pa., where summer's are short and winters are snowy!

Martina said...

What a nice fabric.Looks great. I am from switzerland.

Leigh said...

Hi, I'm Leigh in Fitchburg, WI. I LOVE your blog header, the colors are so vibrant!

rainey said...

Hi- I'm in Woodland Hills, CA. WH is in the burbs of Los Angeles.

Think glitzy Los Angeles is the last place you'd find a quilter? WRONG! The place is rotten with quilters and I've got 3 fabulous shops and even more guilds within 10 miles of my home.

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a nice giveaway. Hope I win. :)
Dori (MLQG)

Anonymous said...

I live in Memphis, Tennessee, and am rapidly becoming obsessed with and loving quilting, and reading quilting blogs! Thanks so much for putting yourself out there and showing off your beautiful work!

Jessica @ Sunny Tuesday said...

What beautiful fabric! I'm in Nashville. :)

QuiltChick said...

I live in Terre Haute Indiana, but still call Kalamazoo, Michigan my home! Love the give aways, hope I win!

Dresden Quilter said...

Hi I am Michelle and I live in Kingston, Ontario Canada. The giveaway is fantastic. I love bright, bold colours.

Loralynn said...

Hi! I'm Loralynn and I'm in Michigan, north of Detroit, east of Flint in a little town I'm sure you have never heard of! I love the fabric you are giving away, it really would make beautiful quilt labels!

sandyandcosmo said...

Hi Anya, I'm Sandy and I live in Northeast Ohio. I think your work is beautiful! Thanks for the giveaway.

Sara said...

I'm signing up even though I never win. lol

Sara from Lenhartsville, PA

Miri said...

Please count me in! Thank you so much for your generosity! I live in Israel. Is your name a Russian one? samjerus[at]

Eema-le said...

All the way from West Bend, WI.

Anonymous said...

Port Townsend, Washington! It's beautiful and sunny here today!

Anonymous said...

So sweet of you! I live in the beautiful state of Maine.

Anonymous said...

Hi I'm in a dinky town in SE Colorado called Wiley. The nearest fabric store is a 4 hour drive so you know we're in the country.

Ribbonrose said...

Nice giveaway! I live outside Richmond, Virginia.

Sandy said...

I'm joining the fun from Seville, Ohio.

kathytypestoo said...

hillsboro, oregon in the beautiful pacific northwest! thanks for your generosity!

Kitsune said...

I'm in Pennsylvania, too, Pittsburgh to be exact. And I adore that fabric. :)

LindaW said...

Count me in! I live near Atlanta, GA. LindaW

Shannon said...

That fabric is so cool! I always hate making labels for some reason, so I have a little stack waiting for me to get around to it at all times.
I live in Kirkland, Washington

Sue Cahill said...

Hi, Sue from Niagara Falls, NY here. I love label fabric because I have no natural artistic talent.

Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

stitchernow said...

Love that fabric (I don't like making labels from scratch.)
Quilting in New York City,

Joan said...

I love the label fabric. I live outside Atlanta, GA where there's a frog seranade going on in the backyard.

Anonymous said...

Hi! Ashley From Austin, Texas.
Austin rocks! If you haven't been, you'd love it here!

I would love to win some Laurel Burch fabric!

thanks! Ashley
ashlomb at yahoo dot com

Sara said...

I'm a senior at Western Washington University in Bellingham, Washington... I'm double-majoring in Spanish and Creative Writing, minoring in Ancient Greek, and getting my TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) certification. I'm essentially graduated after this quarter, except for one last teaching class in Mexico this summer, then my practicum... eek!

sarita0818 at comcast dot net

Sara said...

I'm a senior at Western Washington University in Bellingham, Washington... I'm double-majoring in Spanish and Creative Writing, minoring in Ancient Greek, and getting my TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) certification. I'm essentially graduated after this quarter, except for one last teaching class in Mexico this summer, then my practicum... eek!

sarita0818 at comcast dot net

Hippie Family... said...

I love that fabric, I am looking for matching patterns to make memory games for our local charity. this would be great! so cute, I never thought to get something like that
thanks for being in the swap!

MB said...

Hi, I'm from Hiram, GA. Thanks for participating in the giveaway.

Jocelyn said...

Hi Anya, I live in the Sunshine state of Florida.

The Fair Weather Optimist said...

What a fun giveaway! I would love some label fabric!!!
xoxoxoxo Jaime from Garden Grove, CA (2 miles from Disneyland)

Mama Lusco said...

I'm from western Oregon. Thanks for the giveaway. I can be contacted thru my blog.

Stitchbird said...

Hi I live on a hill overlooking the sea in Wellington, New Zealand. It has been a crisp autumn day here. When I went to collect the washing it was great to see a fantail playing around in our trees. Thanks for the lovley blog.

Amanda W said...

Oooh what a gorgeous and generous giveaway!! Please enter me into the draw.

From an Aussie gal ;-)

Christina Lowry said...

Hi! I am Christina and I live at the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia! We have been having lots of rain! :)

debqcat said...

I live in Columbia, MD. I'm a wanna be quilter and love my fabric stash!

Rhonda said...

I live in beautiful Tennessee!
I love your giveaway, thank you for offering it.

Barbara said...

I am at the Jersey Shore, sand, sun and water!
What a great fabric choice. Thanks for the opportunity.

Sara said...

I a Michigan gal living in central New York. And, I am always in need of supplies to make nice quilt labels. I've started saving selvages but don't have many -- yet!
Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway!

Andria said...

Thanks for the chance! I'm entering from Grand Rapids, MI.

mjb said...

What beautiful fabric!

Tina said...

I live in Cantonment Florida. I love your picture at the top. Thank you for entering your giveaway.

Unknown said...

Hi, I'm Shannon, I love in New Orleans, LA

Louisa said...

Portland, OR. Selvage project sounds very intriguing.

michal said...

I'm michal, from Israel, Yokneam. Thans for the chance to win this lovely giveaway!

Unknown said...

I live in Centralia, WA. :) This looks like cute fabric, everyone needs a good way to label their quilts.

Thanks for doing the giveaway!
Cassie Driver

Ally's Threads said...

Cute shrooms! Thanks for playing!

Jessica said...

I live in Greenwood, MS! Small small place. Thanks for participating in the giveaway!

Donna said...

I live in Kingston Springs TN. Just west of Nashville - Music City USA!

Christy said...

happy giveaway day! Join my giveaway too!

Christy said...

For #1: how about marine hues like turquoise and aqua?

thanks for your sweet giveaway!

Jeanie said...

Thanks for your great giveaway !
Greetings from sunny Singapore :)
nur_april at yahoo dot com dot sg

White Way to Light said...

I live in Calgary, Alberta CANADA! Thanks for the really great giveaway! :)

Rose said...

A lovely giveaway!
Im from Adelaide in Australia...almost winter here!

toll-patchig said...

I am from far far away Germany and live in a very small town called "Warmen". I am happy you ship international, so I can participate too ! :D

Thanks for your giveaway !

Silvia LGD (Little Green Doll) said...

Hi Anya! I'm Silvia from Barcelona, Spain. Thanks for this great giveaway!

Megan said...

I'm from Providence, Rhode Island

My summer sewing plans include lots of yoga mat bags - they are FUN to make, and even more fun to use!

Thanks for the opportunity! Megan

A Joyful Chaos said...

I'm Maryann from Norwood, Missouri.
My eyes nearly bugged out when I saw that lovely fabric! You are having a sweet give away. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to enter. I would love to win!

Sophie said...

Hi, I'm from Saratoga Springs New York. I'm new to quilting and I just love your site.

Thistle Cove Farm said...

I'm in southwest VA in the beautiful Appalachian Mountains. I have rare, hypoallergenic American Curly horses and rare, primitive Shetland sheep as well as Romney, Merino and cross bred sheep.
Great all the Burch products...she was a fabulous person.

Lottie said...

Hi I am from London, England (well not from here - I am a Geordie which means I was born in Newcastle - close to Hadrien's Wall)

sabine(germany) 21 years said...

i´m from germany i live in Bonn

my email

Esther said...

I'm from Coventry which is as far form the coast as you can get in England !

Sheila said...

I am in Minnesota and it is FINALLY Springtime!

rockgranny said...

Hi, I'm from Croatia( SE of Europe, but not former USSR)

mcgillenator said...

I am from Chattanooga, TN and it's beautiful right now :) Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

mcgillenator AT gmail DOT com

Kathy said...

I live in Poulsbo, Washington, a little Norwegian town right on the water. My family and I used to live in China--for 14 years!--and loved it. I think I have one foot in Asia and one foot in Poulsbo, so I call both "home."

Misty.Creek said...

Hi from Kentucky! you can e-mail me at:

misty dot creek1 at gmail dot com

faith said...

Hello, my name is Faith. I live in Maryland. I just graduated from college and my soon-to-be mother-in-law has been teaching me how to quilt. It has been so much fun.

my email is:

Ilona said...

I live close to The Hague, The Netherlands. Love your give-away!

sfer said...

Hello from Barcelona, Spain!! Thanks for the giveaway (and for giving internationals a chance :-)


hcotten said...

I'm here in Nashville Tennessee.

carmel said...

i just bacame a follower! thanks for the great givaway! and im carmel from israel.
hears my new blog- come visit me!

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

Stopping by from Buffalo, NY.

Thanks for the chance to win!
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

Tawny said...

Wow! I've found the most fabulous blogs with this SMS giveaway. I am so going to participate next time it comes up. My name is Tawny and I'm from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada :)

ktquilts said...

Indianapolis, Indiana!!!!!

jwallis said...

roanoke, va : )

fieryone said...

The best part of giveaway day has been discovering so many great blogs :)

dillpickle said...

I'm in Melbourne, Australia! Thanks for having me in your giveaway :)

Anonymous said...

I'm in Lakeland, Florida!

Anonymous said...

Aren't these giveaways great? What a fun way to find new blogs to explore! I'm sitting south of Sedona soaking up the awesome views and reading posts from around the world. Now, how cool is that?!!!!

fieryone said...

Tanya from Canada, The best part of giveaway day has been discovering so many great blogs :)

Jenny said...

Jenny from Wisconsin.
I think I'm going to win!

sewfunky said...

Please enter me in the draw, and don't forget to enter mine. :)

Shelina said...

I'm from Columbus Ohio.

Terri said...

What fun! I wish I'd been in on the start of it so I could have coordinated something. Alas, I was not. :( Always late to the party!

I am Terri from Knoxville, TN and thank you so much for hosting this! You can see my blog at

Super Fun Mama said...

I'm from Rogersville Mo.

Sandy in Buenos Aires said...

Hi, I'm from Argentina and Love the fabric you chose !
Thank you for the great giveaway and the chance to win!

Nikki said...

That fabric is just so bright and beautiful thanks for the chance
Nikki From Ontario

KittsKrafts said...

What a cool giveaway!
I am from southwestern Michigan.

Anonymous said...

Hello and thank you for a chance to win your terrific giveaway. I am from Fort Wayne, Indiana.

affectioknit said...

Wow! What a great giveaway! Thanks! I'm from NC but currently I'm a southern girl living in ND...

Madalene Axford Murphy said...

Had to comment, even though it would be more exciting for you, if the winner came from England or Botswana, instead of your hometown of Wellsboro. But I love your little selvage projects so I'm adding my name.


Zarina said...

That is a beautiful fabric. I'm Zarina from Malaysia and hope to look through your past posts later when this fun is done with.

Sherry said...

Love the fabric and the surprise element of your giveaway. I'm writing from Knoxville, TN where we are having a break from the rain with a beautiful sun filled day. Thanks for the chance to win.

Mrs. Katie Picciottoli said...

Lovely fabric! Thanks for a great giveaway!

I hail from Central New Jersey.

Anonymous said...

Hello! I'm Amanda from San Jose, CA. I'm originally from Charlotte, NC, but CA has been my home for 7 years.

Kimberly said...

I live in Portland, OR. Thanks for your generosity!

Anonymous said...

How exciting to see where all your readers come from! Did you know you had such a following?

Can you tell us where we might order the label fabric?

Thanks! ;>

Breanna S. said...

Breanna S from Chillicothe MO. Thanks for the lovely giveaway.

Breanna S. said...

I live in Chillicothe MO

Stephanie said...

Love your fabric! Lots of smiles from sunny Florida!

Anonymous said...

Hi I'm from upstate NY

Alisa said...

Hello from Southern California. Thanks for participating in such a generous and fun give-away. ;)

Ginny said...

I live in Michigan, in a suburb near Detroit.

Carol R. said...

Hello, nice to meet you! This is my first visit to your blog, but not my last, I am sure. I am from the northwest corner of Georgia, a little town called Ringgold.

Jules@MoonCatFarms said...

Thank you for adding my name to your contest. I am in Chowchilla, California - almost exact center of the state. Have a great day!

Mary said...

What a fun giveaway. I can't wait to see what you make with your selvages! I'm from Ontario, Canada!

ugli.tangelo.fruit at gmail dot come

Linda K said...

Hi Thanks for a chance to win! I live in Georgia, near Atlanta, but I've lived in all four corners of PA. Wish I was close to Lancaster County again- love it there! Linda

mub said...

Such a lovely prize! I'm a transplant to The Netherlands, originally from Utah.

KarenD said...

I love surprises, so I would love to see what you come up with! And the fabric is fab! I'm from Texas.

Count me in!

Sweet Woodruff said...

This is a lovely, generous giveaway. I will have to add your quliting page to my watch list.

I'm a quilter as well. I'm a native Texan, stuck in Tampa, Florida. :)

Take care and I look forward to seeing you again.

Jen B said...

Hello from central Pennsylvania!

Jen B said...

Hello from central Pennsylvania!

Anonymous said...

Awesome giveaway! spring

Hi. I'm 8, and I am learning to sew. My mom is teaching me. I have my own sewing blog. I am doing a giveaway too for four beautiful yards of fabric. I hope you will stop by.

My mom is also doing a giveaway on her blog at