Monday, March 11, 2013

Not Exactly Moosewood Monday

My regular readers know that I'm a big fan of Moosewood Restaurant recipes, but I've been branching out and trying other yummy soup recipes I find online. This one is a copy of Olive Garden's Zuppa Toscana by The Pioneer Woman. You can find the recipe here.

My husband and I both really liked this soup. I made it with russet potatoes instead of the red potatoes that the recipe calls for, but it was just fine. I also added our own dried chili pepper. My only problem with recipes like this is when the ingredients call for "two bunches" of kale...What exactly is two bunches? The Pioneer Woman's grocery store (or garden)  may have its bunches in a different size than mine, so how do I know how much to use? The answer is just to wing it. And it works just fine.

Another keeper of a recipe.

1 comment:

imquilternity said...

My husband and I both love the Zuppa Toscana soup at Olive Gardern. In fact, that's usually why we go there. It' soooo good (this said from someone who is not crazy about sausage). Anyway, I'm so happy you've posted a good recipe. I will definitely try it. Thanks!!