During our vacation out West a few months ago, we discovered that most hotels now provide neckroll pillows as well as the standard sleeping pillows. The neckrolls were perfect for reading in bed or watching TV (not that there was much worthwhile to watch) and my husband said they kept him from getting neckaches. So, when we got home, I went searching for neckroll pillow forms to buy for ourselves. I found a small one at Bed, Bath, and Beyond which was OK, and then two larger ones at Joann's (when they were 50 percent off, of course). Anyway, all three of them are white, so I've decided to make covers for them.
This is the smaller one. I didn't want the cover to be too flimsy, so I sewed batik strips to batting using the stitch and flip method. I then sewed the whole piece into a tube, inserted the form, and gathered the ends. At first I tried to make a casing for elastic, but the batting made the gathered ends way too thick, so I just serged the edges before gathering. Of course, I only had gray thread in my serger (and there is no way I'm changing the thread unless absolutely necessary), so it doesn't exactly match, but it will do as a prototype.
I gathered the ends just like I've done on wine bottle bags (read about that
Here it is with other projects I've recently made...
It goes well with all of these...